Women in the Labor Force: The Case of Missing Millions

Pakistan is consistently ranked as one of the lowest on the Global Gender Gap Index. The index, produced by World Economic Forum, measures 144 countries’ progress towards gender parity on four...

7 Tips for Sales Professionals

Salespeople experience more highs and lows in a single week than most professionals do in an entire month. The best salespeople are always looking to improve their game, so here's an animation that could...

A Day in the Life of a Lazy Employee

We all know at least one such guy at work, who's always too lazy to be true. Enjoy the video and share it with your lazy coworkers.

The Modern Communication and Human Resource Management

Can you rewind your last few days and take a look at how you’ve communicated with the coworkers and friends? The chances are, it’ll be a combination of WhatsApp messages, Facebook...

10 Things You Should Never Say During a Job Interview

Even if you have all the right experience and academic qualifications and you show up looking your best at your next job interview, it’s quite easy to reduce your chances of...